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omicron variant

Do RT-PCR Tests Detect the Omicron Variant?

While it’s easy to opt for ignorance, when faced with an ever changing virus, we don’t recommend you to give into the WhatsApp group updates, but keeping a tab of guidelines/opinions by credible experts might not be that bad an idea. We asked around and the first question that would come to anyone’s mind is if the same RT-PCR tests can detect the omicron – the new found variant.

Do current RT-PCR tests detect Omicron variant?

Most of the tests just tell you whether you have COVID-19 or not in simple terms; they just give you a “yes” or “no” answer. Since virus mutations can impact the genome sequencing, both the normal RT-PCR tests and antigen tests are unable to detect it.

rt-pcr test detects the omicron

However, co-founder and chief scientific adviser of Anavasi Diagnostics, Barry Lutz, says, “Most COVID-19 tests would be able to handle the newest Omicron variant, which means a person infected with this variant can still be diagnosed. However, it’s unlikely for COVID-19 tests to distinguish which variant you have. To figure out the specific variant of coronavirus, you need genome sequencing, which you won’t get from your standard RT-PCR test.

In simple words, yes, RT-PCR tests or any other COVID-19 tests would be able to detect the COVID-19, but you won’t get the name of the specific variant without diving deeper into a lab.

What can you do to keep yourself safe from the Omicron variant?

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) encourages people to get vaccinated and follow the safety protocol. It includes

  • Wear a mask in crowded spaces.
  • Follow hand hygiene.
  • Stay home if you’re sick.
  • Avoid social gatherings.
  • Maintain social distancing, and
  • Contact your doctor if you have any symptoms.


To know more about the Omicron variant and its symptoms and precautions , consult Meddo Partner Doctors today.

Sources –


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